Source: The New York Times, June 2009

A survey led by an associate professor at Weill Cornell Medical College of records of some 5,434 patients at 19 independent primary care and 4 academic medical centers has produced some startling results.

Now before you jump all over the Plaintiff attorney, the Director of Clinical Informatics and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, a fine institution in its own right, says the study was “high quality” and utilized “good methodology.”

So what were the results? Glad you asked. More than 7% of abnormal tests results were NEVER reported to the patient. Missed notifications included blood work and imaging studies. Curiously the offices in the survey volunteered to participate, indicating they were fairly confident they would get it right. The implication certainly is that one should not go by the old adage of no news. . .

Bottom line: If you haven’t heard back from your physician on a lab result or study, you might want to call and ask about it. Just a suggestion.

posted by David Marc Schwadron, Esq.