Physician Medical Malpractice

The wrong procedure, an unnecessary procedure, or poor technical competence during the procedure can extend hospital stays and increase the risk of complications including the need for additional surgeries. Our medical malpractice attorneys specialize in holding physicians accountable for medical malpractice including misdiagnosis and other mistreatment that can lead to patient complications.

Not all diseases present with typical symptoms and even those that do can be misdiagnosed. It all comes down to a doctor’s judgment.  Any error in a doctor’s judgment can result in the improper treatment of a patient and can lead to further complications, additional illness and potentially, death. Our medical malpractice lawyers provide patients with the legal protection they need from unnecessary complications sparked from physician malpractice and negligence.

There have been numerous advances in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer. Unfortunately the timing of the diagnosis still has a dramatic impact on the potential that treatment will be successful and that a patient may survive a diagnosis of cancer.  The earlier a cancer diagnosis can be made, the better. While there are exceptions, the majority of cancers demonstrate a response to chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or surgery. A physician’s failure to adequately diagnose cancer at its early stages is one critical example of medical malpractice. Any delay in the diagnosis of cancer can rob a patient of treatment options and increase the potential for metastasis (spread) of cancer while shortening the lifespan of the patient. Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys can help patients and their families recover compensation for such a severe error in physician judgment.

If you believe that you or a loved one was the victim of Physician Medical Malpractice, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today. Our medical malpractice lawyers will help you or your family member get the justice that you deserve.

Hospital Medical Malpractice

There are few moments more critical in determining a medical outcome than those that take place in the Emergency Room. Many of the decisions made can quite literally mean the difference between life and death.

Do the doctors in the Emergency Room possess the proper skills and training needed to ensure that signs and symptoms of a heart attack or pulmonary embolism? An aortic dissection, pancreatitis or severe infection? Do the doctors in the Emergency Room even work for the hospital? Or, instead, are they independent and largely un-supervised contractors working for a large corporation? How is a patient to know? Hospital negligence and decisions of whether to “treat” or “street” a patient can make all the difference.

Laparoscopic surgeries can mean smaller incisions, quicker recovery time and better outcomes. However, some procedures are best performed with a traditional “open” surgical technique.  The wrong procedure, an unnecessary procedure, or poor technical competence during the procedure can extend hospital stays and increase the risk of complications including the need for additional surgeries. Often the patient is unaware of the availability of choices and must accept the judgment of the physician assigned by the hospital. This is where our medical malpractice lawyers come in – to hold physicians accountable for their medical malpractice and mistreatment of patients.

1 out of every 20 patients who go into a hospital in the U.S. end up picking up a hospital acquired infection.*  Not all infections are avoidable. However, with the high rate of administration of antibiotics, some infections are difficult, if not impossible, to avoid and treat effectively. MRSA and VRE are two such examples of “resistant bugs.” For the very young, the elderly and those whose immune systems may already be compromised, contracting a hospital acquired infection can be catastrophic and deadly. It is a physician’s responsibility to minimize the risk of infection as much as possible. Hospital negligence on behalf of a doctor is considered medical malpractice. Our medical malpractice lawyers will help you to receive the compensation you deserve.

If you believe that you or a loved one was the victim of a Hospital Medical Malpractice, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today.

*2007 AARP Bulletin, Greider, Katharine.

Nursing Home Negligence

Bedsores (Doctors’ attorney’s call them “pressure ulcers”) result from prolonged laying or sitting on an unforgiving surface. Simply moving or re-positioning a patient can greatly reduce the likelihood of bedsores and the pain, discomfort and source of infection which they bring. Further there are specialized air mattresses which can reduce pressure and prevent formation of bedsores.

Not all infections are avoidable. However, with the high rate of administration of antibiotics, some infections are being difficult, if not impossible, to avoid and treat effectively. MRSA and VRE are two such examples of “resistant bugs.” For the elderly confined to a nursing home and largely sedentary, an acquired infection can be catastrophic and deadly.

Not all nursing home care is quality care, most are now run by large corporations with a presence out of state, and your loved ones may be frequently neglected without you realizing it.  Dramatic weight loss, falls, broken bones which are unaccounted for, bedsores or pressure ulcers, can be the result neglect. Are the nutritional needs of your loved one being met? Are they “injuring themselves” with surprising frequency? Do the people attending to them on a daily basis have reasonably explanations and do they document injuries properly? Do they move or re-position or even change the clothing of your loved one in your presence?

If you believe that you or a loved one was the victim of Nursing Home Negligence, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today for a attorney.

Medication Errors

One out of every 5 medications dispensed in hospitals and nursing homes are administered in error.*

Advancement in pharmaceuticals has resulted in tens of thousands of prescription and non-prescription medications. A number of these medications are commonly prescribed. However not all medications are appropriate for all individuals. Some may be contraindicated for use in treatment of particular conditions or particular patients.  Most medication errors are preventable. Unfortunately not all medication errors are recognized in time.

Even where no error is made in the dispensing of a medication, otherwise reasonable and valid medications have been demonstrated to interact with other medications as well as herbal supplements. Individuals with chronic medical conditions may take a staggering number of medications daily.  Drug reactions are not always readily identifiable and could take time to diagnose. That time could be the difference between treatment and tragedy.

If you believe that you or a loved one was the victim of a Medication Error, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today and speak with a medical malpractice attorney.

Women’s Health Medical Malpractice

The delivery of a child is truly a blessing. While complications can occur with the best of care, the quality of obstetrical care can have a dramatic affect on the outcome for mother and child.  The Lewis Law Firm, PC was founded and is run by a strong woman who believes in empowering other women with regard to their health care choices.  Is your Obstetrician competent and qualified? Did you receive the best care available to you from pregnancy to delivery?  A mistake during the course of your pregnancy and/or delivery can have catastrophic repercussions upon the quality of your life and upon the life of your infant. The Lewis Law Firm, PC, can help determine if there was obstetrical medical malpractice in your case.

If you had gynecologic surgery, such as a hysterectomy, was it performed properly? Was your ureter accidentally cut? Did you have complications?

Certain cancers either primarily (breast cancer) or exclusively (ovarian, cervical) affect women. The Lewis Law Firm, PC was founded and is run by a strong woman who believes in empowering other women with regard to their health care choices.  As a general rule, the earlier a cancer diagnosis can be made, the better. While there are exceptions, the majority of cancers demonstrate a response to chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or surgery. Any delay in the diagnosis of cancer can rob a patient of treatment options and increase the potential for metastasis (spread) of cancer while shortening the lifespan of the patient.

If you believe that you or a loved one was the victim of a Women’s Health Malpractice please contact the Lewis Law Firm today for a medical malpractice attorney.

Baby and Pediatric Medical Malpractice

The delivery of a child is truly a blessing. While complications can occur with the best of care, the quality of obstetrical care can have a dramatic effect on the outcome for mother and child.  Hypoxia and Birth Asphyxia refer to either the complete or limited availability of oxygen to the baby which can occur during labor and delivery and which can irreversibly damage an infant’s brain, lungs, eyes and gastrointestinal tract. Factors such as insufficient amniotic fluid, low blood pressure of the mother, shock, placental abruption and compression of the umbilical cord can all result in oxygen deprivation to your baby.  A baby who suffers from hypoxia or birth asphyxia may have a diminished quality and length of life and could bankrupt a family with ongoing medical costs.

Pediatric brain injury from common childhood trauma can be devastating. Bicycle injuries, falls, sports injuries, motor vehicle accident and abuse are all potential causes of traumatic brain injury in children.  Brain injury may not always be immediately recognized and treated in children. Unfortunately a delay in recognition and treatment of a traumatic brain injury can lead to significant problems with thinking, speaking and movement as the child develops and grows.

Shoulder dystocia refers to the inability of an infant to pass one or both shoulders freely through the birth canal. Shoulder dystocia is not always capable of being recognized until it occurs. However, some factors which can be relative predictors of shoulder dystocia, include a larger than average baby, small pelvis of the mother, prior deliveries and gestational diabetes. When shoulder dystocia is encountered, its immediate recognition and proper obstetrical maneuvers and management are crucial to the future health of the child.  Shoulder dystocia can result in nerve injury to the arm and shoulder which may be permanent, hypoxia and birth asphyxia and brain injury if mechanical efforts are required (forceps, vacuum) to assist in extraction of the infant.

Any error in a doctor’s judgment can result in medical malpractice upon an infant or child and can lead to further complications, additional illness and potentially, death.

If you believe that your infant or child was the victim of Baby and Pediatric Medical Malpractice, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today for a medical malpractice attorney.

Defective Drugs

Sometimes, medicine can do more harm than good. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been proven to place women at a greater risk for breast cancer, blood clots, heart attack and stroke.  HRT is medication containing one or more female hormones, commonly estrogen and/or progestin. It is commonly prescribed to treat symptoms of menopause by replacing the hormones the natural aging process takes away.  Until recently, doctors believed the long-term use of hormone replacement therapy drugs such as Premarin, Provera, and Prempro were safe, and protected against osteoporosis and heart disease.

However, recent studies now show that HRT places women at a higher risk for breast and ovarian cancers, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other potentially fatal conditions such as heart attack, stroke and blood clots. Activella, FemHrt, and Prempro come as tablets each containing estrogen and progestin. Ortho-Prefest comes in a blister pack containing 30 tablets. Premphase comes in a dispenser containing 28 tablets. This should help you to determine whether you have received Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

If you believe that you or a loved one has suffered adverse effects or injury from HRT, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today for a medical malpractice attorney.

Birth Defects and Birth Injuries

With advances in genetic testing and imaging technology including ultrasound, birth defects should be readily and accurately diagnosed before a child is born.  The quality of your baby’s care can have a dramatic effect on the outcome for mother and child. Insufficient or misread tests can result in the birth of a child who may not live beyond a certain amount of years or weeks. At best such children will have a diminished quality and length of life and could bankrupt a family with ongoing medical costs. The Lewis Law Firm, PC, can help determine if there was medical malpractice in your case which resulted in your child being born with a birth defect.

If you believe that something went undiagnosed during your pregnancy and that your child was born with a Birth Defect, please contact the Lewis Law Firm today.

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