Source:  BBC Health; Cancer Research UK

Might want to re-think that candlelit aromatherapy bath to de-stress.  That is if you don’t want to increase your risk of lung cancer.  Huh?  No, really. South Carolina State University Researchers performed serial analysis of paraffin wax candle fumes in laboratory testing.

Their conclusion? Paraffin wax candles cause exposure to harmful fumes associated with lung cancer and asthma. Most at risk were those who frequently used candles to relax in the bath in unventilated bathrooms and to provide dining room ambience.

Not so, says Dr. Joanna Owens of Cancer Research UK who would prefer people to focus upon, “Things we have hard evidence for.”  Even the South Carolina Researchers admitted that the, “Occasional paraffin candle and its emissions will not likely affect you.”

Confused?  In the meantime perhaps you should stick to the bath salts and scented oils.  That is, until further research can be conducted of course.

posted by David Marc Schwadron, Esq.