Source: BBC News

Because it’s Friday and we all need a lift.  The H1N1 virus (that’s the swine flu) has infected Turkey’s in Chile. The UN (that’s the United Nations) warns that birds elsewhere may also become infected.  Yes, birds (of H5N1 virus or bird flu fame) contracting the swine flu (of pig fame).  There have been recent reports of H1N1 affecting poultry in Southeast Asia as well.

Elsewhere in the world of irony, the countries of Canada, Argentina and Australia have reported the spread of H1N1 TO PIGS from farm workers.  No.  I am NOT making this up.

According to Colin Butler of the UK’s Institute of Animal Health, “It’s not just about the H5N1 strain.  Any further spread of the H1N1 virus between birds, or from birds to humans would not be good.” No Colin.  No it would not.

Loosely, in the words of George Orwell (Animal Farm), “4 legs good. 2 legs bad. Wings. . .hey, we’ve got wings! Pass the bleu cheese.”  Or something like that.

posted by David Marc Schwadron, Esq.