Source: Wall Street Journal; National Institutes of Health (NIH)

After years of being viewed as a potential health problem, coffee is fighting back and this time it’s kicking your prostate in the…well…

So this must be why my urologist asked me how much coffee I drink this morning. (Yes I saw a urologist, more on that in the future).  There is new research funded by the NIH which suggests that men who drink 6 or more cups of coffee per day had a 60% lower chance of developing aggressive prostate cancer then their tea drinking girly counterparts. (Okay, I added that last bit).  Those drinking 4-5 cups of coffee per day had a 25% lower risk and those (Like me) with the 3 cup daily max had a 20% lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer.

Like the whole wine and cholesterol deal, expect the usual backlash and qualifiers but, if true then this might finally be the justification we all needed for those $3.00 Sbucks forays. You all know what I’m talking about.

~Posted by David Marc Schwadron, Esquire