Injury:  Death of mother shortly after delivery from complications of untreated hepatitis

Age of Patient at Injury:  28 years old

Result:  $1.25 Million Settlement

Court:  Philadelphia, PA

Comment:  This sad case was brought by the husband and 1 year old infant who survived this young mother.  The patient was Hepatitis B positive, a common finding in African Women and one which placed her at greater risk for complications, including liver cancer.  While they knew her history and were aware of the risks, the OB/GYN Defendants and their practice did not perform simple testing to ensure that there was no change in their patient’s liver function after her pregnancy.  Abnormal liver functioning was noted during her pregnancy but there was no follow-up by her women’s doctors after she gave birth.  Because of the delay from the malpractice of these doctors, the patient tragically died within a year of giving birth to her first child from liver failure.  Our medical experts were able to show the increased risk for this patient and the clear malpractice in her medical care.  The doctors and their practice settled with the patient’s family instead of going to trial.