
Medicaid Cuts to Impact Nursing Home Care in NJ?

Source: The Record This Summer, New Jersey officials voted to move to a reimbursement system that would allow homes that care for the patients with greater medical needs to be paid at a higher daily Medicaid reimbursement rate.  However the negative impact upon revenues for homes which care for healthy patients prompted a slow adoption process.  [...]

HPV Test is Better than Pap Test for Cervical Cancer?

Sources: The Lancet; US Preventivie Serivices Task Force; WebMD It appears that way.  It is largely accepted that 90% of all cervical cancers are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).  Accordingly, a team of Dutch researchers set out to determine whether detecting the cause of the majority of cervical cancers could out-predict the traditional test.  45,000 [...]

Women with Breast Cancer Quit Meds, According to Recent Study.

Source: Chicago's Northwestern University News Center; In what has been termed the "first study in which women are actually asked questions,"  a staggering 36% of postmenopausal women who are treated for estrogen-sensitive breast cancer quit using drugs that help prevent the disease from recurring.  Universally the reason is because of side effects of the medication, [...]

Nursing Homes Over Medicating Patients?

Source: NY Daily News; Eli Lilly & Co. According to Audits conducted on Nursing Home Facilities in the United States, elderly patients with dementia are too often prescribed anti-psychotic drugs to calm disruptive behavior.  The Senate Committe on Aging is apparently having hearings on this issue.  Health and Human Services Inspector General, Daniel Levinson has [...]

Hospitals Are More Dangerous on Weekends

Sources: BBC Health News; Dr. Foster Intelligence Hospital Guide 2001-2011; Journal of the American Medical Association A British research company, Dr. Foster Intelligence, has studied hospitals in the UK from 2001 to 2011 and noticed that there was a "worrying" 10% spike in deaths compared with weekdays across 147 British Hospitals.  The researchers concluded that some of those [...]

Avastin No Longer Approved for Breast Cancer

Source: US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) The US FDA has revoked it's prior approval of Avastin for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.  Avastin came onto the market as being a meidication with great promise for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer.  FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg stated plainly in her Decision of the Commissioner, that, "[T]there is [...]

Merck Pays another $1 Billion to Settle Vioxx Claims

Source: WHITEHOUSE STATION, N.J., Nov. 22, 2011 - Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, announced it has reached a resolution with federal and state authorities regarding a previously disclosed investigation concerning Vioxx. Merck voluntarily withdrew Vioxx from the market in September 2004.   The company previously recorded a charge [...]

Test Predicts Pre-Eclampsia

Source: American Society of Nephrology; the Preeclampsia Foundation Pre-eclampsia is a heart condition that occurs only during and after pregnancy which can affects both the mother and baby.  It occurs in at least 5-8% of all pregnancies.  Pre-eclampsia is a rapidly progressive condition commonly starting with high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine. [...]

Improving Mastectomy for Breast Cancer

Source:  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: November 2011, Vol. 128 Issue 5, P. 1005-1014. Surgery for the treatment of breast cancer continues to evolve with modified versions of radical mastectomy (whole breast removal), to skin-sparing mastectomy (allowing for easier implant placement) to newer areola-sparing and nipple-sparing mastectomies.  The legitimate fear of disfigurement is a very real factor [...]

Re-thinking Chemotherapy.

Source:  Medical News Today; Science journal Chemotherapy used to be a very blunt instrument.  The chemicals used in chemotherapy were originally developed for destruction of human life of the battlefields of World Wars (ie. Mustard gas).  This is once of the reasons why chemotherapy causes injuries to other organs, damaging symptoms such as hair loss, [...]