
Aspirin Cuts Risk of Colon Cancer

Source: the Lancet   Apparently, it's more likely true than not.  A study published in the respected medical journal, the Lancet, Long-term effect of aspirin on cancer risk in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: an analysis from the CAPP2 randomised controlled trial indicates that rates of colon cancer are reduced in regular aspirin consumers.  The [...]

October 28th, 2013|Blog, Medical Information|

Yaz Concerns Continue.

Source: FDA final report Combined Hormonal Contraceptives (CHCs) and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Endpoints (10/2011); Associated Press; NPR Health News The FDA has now released their report on Combined Homonal Contraceptives (CHCs), such as Yaz, and the increased risk of blood clots in women.  The study followed more than 800,000 U.S. women taking different forms of [...]

The Pill lowers the Risk of Ovarian Cancer

Source: BBC Health News; National Cancer Institute, US National Institutes of Health A study published in the British Journal of Cancer suggest that women who take the Pill (contraception) for 10 years have 1/2 the risk of ovarian cancer.  Ovarian Cancer forms in tissues of the ovary.  1 in 72 women will be diagnosed with [...]

US Preventive Services Task Force Releases Draft Recommendations for Cervical Cancer Screening

Source: USPSTF Website The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is an organization which makes recommendations about preventive care services or screeing for patients who do not yet have symptoms of diseases.  The USPSTF has now released the following Draft Recommendations for Cervical Cancer Screening in women. Women between from 21 to 65 who have had vaginal intercourse [...]

New Cancer Drug Extends Life of Patients with Advanced Melanoma

Source: MEDSCAPE; FDA; The FDA recently approved a new cancer drug for patients with advanced stages of melanoma (skin cancer).  Melanoma has proven to be one of the most diffcult cancers to treat effectively.  In a study of patients who had advanced melanoma, those who got an experimental drug lived a median of about 10 months, [...]

Cancer Drug Shortages Leading to Patient Rationing?!

Source: NY Times; American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Practice Report; American Hospital Association It seems difficult to believe that life saving cancer drugs could be in such short supply that they are being rationed.  It is even harder to believe that this is occurring currently -in the United States!  According to recent information, 14 of [...]

Radiation Still Common Treatment for Cancer

Source: MD Becker Partners, Life Science Digest; American Cancer Society An estimated 1.1 million patients were treated with radiation in 2009, representing an increase of 15% from 2007 according to a market research study published by IMV Medical Information Division. The clinical application of radiation therapy in oncology (using high-energy radiation to shrink tumors and [...]

Best Hospitals 2011-2012 Honor Roll Published

Source: US News and World Report All is not doom and gloom.  The US News and World Report has published it's Honor Roll for it's Best Hospital Lists.  According to the Report, a place on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll is reserved for medical centers demonstrating "unusually high expertise across multiple specialties" and scoring at [...]

Chronic NSAID use doubles risk of cardiovasular death?

Sources: International Verapamil-Trandlapril Study ("INVEST"); American Journal of Medicine. It does according to recent analysis from the International Verapamil-Trandlapril Study. The review related to older patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease who use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) chronically for pain.  The results suggest that they are at significantly increased risk of cardiovascular events. "We [...]

July 18th, 2013|Blog, Defective Drugs|

Hospital Drug Shortages Impact Patient Care!

Sources: NPR News; American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Practice Report; The American Hospital Association. Who knew that your hospital might have a shortage of medicine?  According to the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Practice Report, 2010 was the worst year to date for drug shortages at the nation's hospitals.  211 drugs used in hospitals were [...]